Bilgener | Investment Incentıves Consultancy

Maximizing Benefits from Investment Incentives and Process Management

It is crucial for businesses making investment decisions to maximize the benefits provided by incentive regulations.

Investment incentive legislation requires specialized expertise due to the multiple regulations involved and the unique language of these regulations.

At Bilgener, we ensure that investors make the most of available incentives through our consultancy services in investment incentives.

Our main services in this area include:


• Preparing detailed reports on incentives available based on the sector, region, program, and support elements specific to the planned investment,
• Identifying expenses eligible for investment incentives,
• Preparing feasibility reports related to the incentive certificate,
• Obtaining the incentive certificate,
• Managing incentive certificate revisions,
• Handling the closure of incentive certificates and completion visa procedures,
• Controlling post-investment incentives and ensuring proper utilization of discounts, exemptions, and tax deductions.

Bilgener | Investment Incentıves Consultancy
Bilgener | Investment Incentıves Consultancy

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